Challenging Career Transition 

Challenging Career Transition 

Your relatively stable working life has been thrown in to considerable turmoil. You have just been told of the latest restructuring in your business and it looks like your job might vanish or be merged with another role.

You suddenly find yourself with the prospect of having to make some rapid decisions about your future, impacting not only on you but all those in your immediate circle of family and friends

It may be ages since you applied for a job in the external job market or attended a tough job interview. The very thought might fill you with considerable concern and trepidation. 

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Frustrated with Coming Second? – Executive Job Interview Tips

Frustrated with Coming Second? – Executive Job Interview Tips

You are successful; you have a good, demanding high status job in a reputable organisation: your professional and technical capabilities and achievements to date are beyond question; you are definitely firmly on the executive career ladder to success. And yet…

You are frustrated and disappointed.  You know that you have the ability and capacity to take on a bigger job involving more responsibility, leading and managing others and making a more significant contribution, and you are impatient to secure this big step-change in your career.

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