If you are leading an organisational transformation, what is your vision and are you using it to inspire, incentivise and galvanise action?

One of my very first bosses in my early career would regularly tell the tale of three bricklayers and a passer-by.

The passer-by asked the first bricklayer “What are you doing?” - “I’m laying bricks” said the bricklayer.

The passer-by asked the second bricklayer the same question. Back came the response “I am building a wall” said the second bricklayer.

Finally the passer-by asked the third bricklayer “And what are you doing?”. With a moments reflection, the third bricklayer said “I am building a temple”.

Same task but a profoundly different motivation and meaning.

Of course, not a new story, but one which still has every bit of relevance in our ever-more complex and challenging age.

So, as a transformational leader, have you positioned and communicated your vision strongly enough so that the people around you are inspired by a higher level purpose?

In my many years of observing and coaching successful transformational leaders all around the world in organisations of all shapes, sizes and sectors, the common capacity of these outstanding leaders is their ability to inspire people to build temples.

So what is your temple? And, are those around you aware that they are building it?

Remember bricklayers have a choice; there will always be someone else who will be looking to invite them to come and build their bigger and better temple.

Happy temple-building!

#Vision #inspiration #templebuilding